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古くから各地で楽しまれてきた茶では、茶席に自分の道具を運ぶためにあらゆる素材で用いた茶箱を用意し、中に道具を設えてきた。 屋外では茶又は抹茶をいれて楽しむ茶会のことを「野点」といい、屋内での茶道では重視される細かい作法が簡略化された気安い催しもある。格式もお手前も無く茶を楽しむこと、好きなときに好きな場所で道具を広げ「紅茶」を淹れて一休みできることが醍醐味である。-
- Materials
- 竹、竹集成材 / 白蒔地仕上げ
- Photo
- Shinsuke Kawanabe
- Year
- 2016
For tea, which has been enjoyed in many parts of Japan since ancient times, we have prepared tea boxes made of all kinds of materials to carry the utensils to a tea ceremony, and have put the utensils inside the boxes. A tea ceremony where tea or matcha is served outdoors is called “nodate,” and there are also casual events where the detailed etiquette that is emphasized in indoor tea ceremonies is simplified. The real pleasure is to enjoy tea without any formality or fixed rules and to be able to spread out the utensils and brew “black tea” whenever and wherever you want and take a break.
- Materials
- Bamboo / Lacquer finish
- Photo
- Shinsuke Kawanabe
- Year
- 2016